Experiencing Political Publicity

The study examines what factors make public participation meaningful and what kinds of risks it involves. It is generally deemed important that both citizens and politicians engage in open public discussion. However, it is evident that positive experiences of publicity may encourage engagement in public discourse and vice versa. Public appearances, depending on the reactions of the audience, can result either in considerable gains or drawbacks, or even in threats of violence. Internet’s so-called hate groups serve as a good example of the latter. Such groups can materialize overnight and direct the aggression of the masses to one person or group. Positive publicity, in turn, can be related to such experiences as furthering important issues, pleasure gained from being the center of attention, or monetary benefits resulting from publicity.

Thematic interviews function as the main methodological instrument in the study. The interviewees will include both well-known politicians and persons who participate actively in public discourse outside their profession or position of trust. The interviews will concentrate on the interviewees’ experiences of public life and being in the public eye in different points of their career.


Reunanen, Esa & Harju, Auli: Media iholla. Politiikan julkisuus kansanedustajien ja aktivistien kokemana. [Political publicity as experienced by MPs and activists]. Helsinki 28.5.2012.

Reunanen, Esa: Kokemuksellisuus politiikan julkisuudessa [Experiencing political publicity] Presentation at Mediatutkimuksen päivät, Turku 4.2.2011.


Harju, Auli (2015) Kokemuksellisuus yhteiskunnallisen toiminnan pontimena – Kansalaisaktivistien näkemyksiä osallistumisesta ja mediassa toimimisesta. [Personal experiences and accumulating knowledge as triggers for activism – Activists’ thoughts on participation and media publicity] Politiikka 57:1, 33-43.

Reunanen, Esa (2012) Mediapääoma poliitikkojen kokemana [Media capital as experienced by the politicians]. Media & Viestintä 35:2, 5-22.

Reunanen, Esa & Harju, Auli (2012) Media iholla. Politiikan julkisuus kansanedustajien ja aktivistien kokemana [Political publicity as experienced by MPs and activists]. Tampere: Tampere University Press.

Esa Reunanen, esa.reunanen(at)uta.fi
Auli Harju, auli.harju(at)uta.fi

Partner: Helsingin Sanomat Foundation
Duration: 2010-2012