From Broadsheet to Tabloid

Finnish broadsheet newspapers are changing their format to tabloid. The project analyses format changes of Alma Media’s regional newspapers and Helsingin Sanomat. The project consists of three working packages: 1) changes in the content, 2) the aims and results of the format change in the newsrooms, 3) the reception of the format change among the audience and the advertisers.

Reunanen, Esa (ed.) (2013) Pienempään kuosiin. Helsingin Sanomien ja Satakunnan Kansan tabloidi-uudistus sisällön, tekijöiden, lukijoiden ja ilmoittajien näkökulmasta. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto.

English Summary: From Broadsheet to Tabloid. The format change of Helsingin Sanomat and Satakunnan Kansa from the point of view of the content, newsroom, audience, and advertisers.

Contact person: Esa Reunanen, esa.reunanen[at], tel. +358 50 318 5943

Other researchers: Maarit Mäkinen, Kaarina Nikunen, Kari Koljonen, Susanna Vehmas

Partner: Helsingin Sanomat Foundation

Research period: 2013