Views of Violence in a Changing Media Landscape (ViVi)

During the past decades, crime related news and other information sources have multiplied. Traditional media houses provide content not only in print, but increasingly in electronic format to cover the 24/7 news cycle. New sources, such as social media and online communities have become a prominent part of contemporary media landscape, while even “fake” news are believed to gain ground. Prior research has indicated that there are links between media use and perceptions of violence risk. In this project, we revisit this field in a thoroughly changed media landscape. The project seeks to describe the contemporary sources from which people gather information on violence, and how uses of media sources are linked to the contemporary experience of fear of violence and perceived societal risks. The project combines qualitative and quantitative research methods. Tampere Research Centre for Journalism, Media, and Communication (COMET) conducts the project in co-operation with Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy (ICLP) at the University of Helsinki.


Haara, Paula, Reunanen, Esa, Näsi, Matti & Kivivuori, Janne (2017) Väkivalta pirstaloituvassa mediamaisemassa. Fokusryhmätutkimus uhkan kokemuksesta ja rikostiedon lähteistä. [Views on violence in a fragmented media landscape. A focus group study on the experience of threat and the sources of crime information]. Tampere: University of Tampere.


Haara, Paula, Reunanen, Esa, Näsi, Matti & Kivivuori, Janne: Experiencing violence in a cross-media environment: a focus-group study. Nordmedia 2017 conference, Tampere 20.8.2017.


Paula Haara, University of Tampere, COMET, paula.haara(at)
Esa Reunanen, University of Tampere, COMET, esa.reunanen(at)
Matti Näsi, University of Helsinki, KRIMO, matti.j.nasi(at)
Janne Kivivuori, University of Helsinki, KRIMO, janne.kivivuori(at)

Funding: Helsingin Sanomat Foundation

Project period: 2017–2018